Navigating Identity: Considerations for Polyamorous Relationships Among LGBTQ+ People

In recent years, society has witnessed a remarkable shift in the recognition and acceptance of diverse relationship models. Among these, polyamorous relationships have emerged as a valid and fulfilling alternative to conventional monogamy. Queer relationships, likely because of their lesser susceptibility to the norms of traditional gender roles, have seen an increase in clearly identified…


How to Navigate the Awkward Family Gatherings When LGBTQ+

Social gatherings can be a source of immense joy and connection, offering opportunities to celebrate milestones, holidays, and simply the pleasure of being together. Yet, for many in the queer and LGBTQ+ community, these occasions also present unique challenges, especially for individuals navigating the complexities of their queer identity in potentially unsupportive environments. Here, we…


Building New Beginnings: Empowering LGBTQ+ Individuals in Divorce Therapy

Divorce represents a profound pivot point in an individual’s life, a moment fraught with emotional upheaval, introspection, and the potential for transformation. For members of the queer and LGBTQ+ community, this experience can be further complicated by unique societal, familial, and personal dynamics. In the realm of divorce therapy, particularly when it involves LGBTQ+ couples…


How LGBTQ Couples Therapy Can Improve Your Relationship

In the realm of relationship therapy, the tailored approach of LGBT couples therapy, gay couples counseling, and queer relationship therapy can play a pivotal role in fostering understanding and strengthening the bonds within same-sex and non-binary relationships. In the ever-evolving landscape of relationships, it’s essential to recognize the unique dynamics and challenges faced by queer…


Embracing Diversity: The Transformative Benefits of LGBTQ Focused Therapy

The choice for queer people to engage in LGBTQ therapy is a personal choice and one that can lead to transformative outcomes. It is a common misunderstanding that queer people seek counseling solely related to their sexual or gender identities. The truth is, queer people present in counseling with very similar concerns as non-queer clients….