
Individual Therapy for Relationship Issues

You’re facing relationship issues – can individual therapy help?  This question comes up a lot! Common impetuses to ask the question are consistent challenges in your relationships, dating problems, feeling broken in relationships, relationships in which one partner is more interested in therapy, and relationships in which one partner perceives the relationship problems to be…


Together or Apart: Navigating the Crossroads of Divorce and Breakup Decisions

Considering ending partnerships that we, at one time, considered would be permanent can be quite complex!  Such decisions require a thorough exploration of the dynamics at play in the relationship, often prompting the question: “Should I stay or should I go?” This decision-making process can be crucial to achieving a resolution that aligns with both…


Boundaries vs. Controlling Behavior: Where’s the Line?

As therapy and psychological wellness have become more mainstream (yay), knowledge and use of terms like boundaries have become more widespread (also yay, but sometimes boo). Unfortunately, sometimes individuals utilize so-called “therapy speak” to exert control, calling their controlling and manipulative behaviors boundaries when they’re really not. Differentiating the two and learning true boundary-setting skills…


Gaslighting in Relationships: Recognizing Emotional Abuse

Picture this: You’re lost in a maze of mirrors, each reflection distorting your sense of reality, leaving you questioning your own judgment, memory, and even sanity. This disorienting experience isn’t just a carnival trick—it’s an unsettling metaphor for the pervasive impact of gaslighting and other forms of emotional abuse. More than just manipulative tactics, gaslighting…


What To Expect During Divorce Counseling & Benefits

Divorce is an emotionally turbulent period, stirring up a multitude of feelings, ranging from liberation to heartbreak, and often, divorce counseling is a great ruder for the turbulence!  Divorce often drives individuals to explore different avenues for emotional relief and growth. One such pathway is individual therapy for divorce, which can provide invaluable assistance during…