
Different Types of Therapists

With so many different types of therapists to choose from, finding the right Chicago therapist can be a daunting task.  It can be difficult to understand the differences between Chicago therapists and find the one that is the best fit for your needs. There are literally thousands of Chicago therapists.  You may be wondering where…


The Power of Boundaries: Navigating Relationships with Addicted Loved Ones

Living with a loved one who is struggling with addiction can be incredibly challenging. The chaos, unpredictability, and stress that comes with addiction can wreak havoc on family relationships. But there is a way to take back control of your life and protect your own well-being: setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. In the book “Codependent…


Overcoming Sex Anxiety

Causes There are several factors that can contribute to sex anxiety, and they can generally be categorized into four main areas: societal and cultural factors, psychological factors, relationship factors, and physical factors. Societal and cultural factors contribute by shaping the beliefs, expectations, and stigmas surrounding sexual activities. Inadequate sex education or cultural taboos can lead…


Seasonal Affective Disorder: Strategies to Boost Mood During the Winter

It’s normal to have a bad day once and awhile, but if you’re feeling down a lot throughout the Chicago winter, you might be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  SAD is a type of depression that affects individuals during specific times of the year, usually during the winter months. While it sounds as though…


Gray Area Drinking: Should I Be Worried?

The normalization of excessive drinking in Chicago and among the LGBT population is a concerning trend that can have serious consequences for individuals and communities, including alcohol addiction. In Chicago, like many cities, drinking alcohol is a ubiquitous social activity that is often associated with nightlife and entertainment. This can lead to a normalization of…