
CBT or EMDR? Choosing the Right Therapeutic Approach for You

Navigating the vast landscape of therapeutic approaches can often feel like trying to find your way through a complex, unfamiliar city. Just as each neighborhood in a city like Chicago has its unique character and appeal, so too does each form of therapy offer distinct benefits and methodologies tailored to different needs. Among the various…


Single Again: Rebuilding After Divorce with the Help of Therapy in Chicago

In the vibrant but often challenging landscape of Chicago, relationships, just like the city itself, can undergo significant transformations. The end of a marriage, while seemingly an endpoint, marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with possibilities for personal growth, healing, and rediscovery. Divorce therapy, a specialized form of counseling, plays a pivotal role…


Which Type of Trauma Therapy Is Right for You?

The National Council for Behavioral Health reports that nearly 70% of Americans have experienced a traumatic event of some form in their life causing profound mental health impacts. However, not everyone gets the timely help they need. Trauma therapy has the potential to greatly improve and even save lives, but most people fail to recognize…


Embracing Change: Strategies for Navigating Life’s Transitions

Change is a part of our lives, whether it’s welcomed or not, we must all become skilled at managing transitions.  The kinds of changes we experience throughout our lives have the power to alter the trajectory of plans in significant ways. Transitions can be developmental – moving out, graduating, pregnancy, or can be sudden and…


Navigating Identity: Considerations for Polyamorous Relationships Among LGBTQ+ People

In recent years, society has witnessed a remarkable shift in the recognition and acceptance of diverse relationship models. Among these, polyamorous relationships have emerged as a valid and fulfilling alternative to conventional monogamy. Queer relationships, likely because of their lesser susceptibility to the norms of traditional gender roles, have seen an increase in clearly identified…