
What Your Therapist in Chicago Wants You To Know

Finding a therapist in Chicago can be an overwhelming experience, but therapy can be a transformative journey towards self-discovery and growth. Whether you’re seeking therapy for the first time or have had previous experience, there are some important things to keep in mind before starting therapy. Let’s clear some of the vagueness and explore what…


Different Types of Therapists

With so many different types of therapists to choose from, finding the right Chicago therapist can be a daunting task.  It can be difficult to understand the differences between Chicago therapists and find the one that is the best fit for your needs. There are literally thousands of Chicago therapists.  You may be wondering where…


Working with Work Anxiety

Work anxiety impacts Chicagoans across the city, but is it avoidable?  Do you think about work even in your free time? Ever have worries about work that keep you up at night? Think of your anxiety as primarily about work?  You could be experiencing work anxiety.   This form of anxiety is a common issue that affects…


The Power of Boundaries: Navigating Relationships with Addicted Loved Ones

Living with a loved one who is struggling with addiction can be incredibly challenging. The chaos, unpredictability, and stress that comes with addiction can wreak havoc on family relationships. But there is a way to take back control of your life and protect your own well-being: setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. In the book “Codependent…


Overcoming Sex Anxiety

Causes There are several factors that can contribute to sex anxiety, and they can generally be categorized into four main areas: societal and cultural factors, psychological factors, relationship factors, and physical factors. Societal and cultural factors contribute by shaping the beliefs, expectations, and stigmas surrounding sexual activities. Inadequate sex education or cultural taboos can lead…