
Monogamish: The Value of Conversations About Non-monogamy for All Relationships

Non-monogamy has become increasingly popular in recent years within both LGBT+ and heterosexual relationships, with terms such as open relationships and polyamorous relationships becoming more common. Even Tinder has added polyamory to its list of desired relationship types. This trend has led to a growing interest in non-monogamy among couples and relationship therapists in Chicago,…


Combating Internalized Homophobia: The Role of an LGBT-Affirming Therapist

An LGBT-affirming therapist plays an instrumental role in combating internalized homophobia for many LGBT people.  But, what is internalized homophobia and what does it mean to be an LGBT-affirming therapist?  Internalized homophobia can manifest as self-hatred, shame, and fear, and can have a wide range of negative consequences, from mental health issues to relationship difficulties…


What Can Your Trauma Triggers Teach You

Trauma triggers can be confusing, dysregulating, and uncomfortable, but they are filled with insights.   Ever wonder why your new co-worker, who you don’t even know, already bothers you so much? Why the sound of a Chicago L grates your ears? Why the name of your ex makes you shutter?  Simple put, a trigger is an…


Breathing Exercises to Reduce Anxiety

The hustle and bustle of the day-to-day leads many Chicagoans to feel “revved up” and anxious, but using breathing exercises to reduce anxiety can help.   The impact of breathing on our physical and mental health should not be underestimated. Breathing can both promote relaxation and reduce stress, playing a crucial role in our body’s response…

work-related burnout

What can you really do about work-related burnout?

The fast-paced, high-pressure culture of work in cities like Chicago can take a toll on mental and physical health, leading to burnout and other negative consequences. However, there are strategies for managing these pressures and promoting wellness. The Culture of Work in Chicago The culture of work in major cities is often characterized by high…