
How LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy Benefits LGBTQ+ People

Finding an affirming therapist is possibly the most crucial element in building a positively impactful therapeutic relationship. While different therapeutic techniques, strategies, and psychoeducation can be helpful to a client, building a relationship with the therapist rooted in affirmation, trust, and mutual respect is often the most impactful and important element in talk therapy. Studies…


10 Reasons LGBTQ People Need Therapy

So, what even is LGBTQ+ therapy?  Of course, we are similar to our cisgender straight counterparts at our core.  We often have similar goals that bring us to therapy: a need for belonging, healthy relationships, life satisfaction, and to fulfill our values.  However, being LGBTQ+ often requires additional considerations and community support when moving through…


CBT Therapy for Anger

Although anger is a normal, adaptive part of the human experience, frequent or intense spikes of anger can motivate us to act in ways that are inconsistent with our personal values. These behaviors can strain relationships, hinder personal growth, and negatively impact various aspects of our lives.  If you find yourself getting angry more frequently…


Common Myths About Therapy and Why They’re Not True

Therapy, despite its proven effectiveness, is often misunderstood and shrouded in numerous, common myths. Misconceptions and myths about therapy can deter individuals from seeking the help they need. Let’s delve deeper into some of the common myths about therapy, debunking them and shining a light on the reality of therapeutic practice. Myth 1: My problems…


Your First Therapy Session: What to Expect

Thinking about Individual Therapy? Here’s what to expect in a first therapy session.  Are you thinking about individual therapy? Maybe you’ve considered it for years but never contacted anyone . Maybe after years of pushing the thought away, you are now ready to consider  therapy. Or maybe you’ve just curious about what benefits therapy may…