
Understanding Anxiety and Depression for LGBT People

Depression and anxiety affect various populations, but they are significantly more prevalent within the LGBT community. Studies consistently show that individuals identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender face higher risks for these mental health challenges. Therefore, understanding the unique factors contributing to depression and anxiety among LGBT people as well as finding therapists who…


Therapy for Anxiety: How It Works, Types, and Effectiveness

What type of therapy for anxiety is most suitable for you? Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be a decisive step in conquering anxiety. If you find that anxious thoughts are impeding your daily life—making routine situations feel threatening, casting doubts on your relationships, or causing you to focus excessively on your imperfections—then therapy may…


Rediscovering Identity: Therapy for Life Transitions in Chicago’s LGBTQ+ Community

Transitions are a constant in the ever-changing tapestry of our lives and, at times, therapy for life transitions is helpful. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of career shifts, experiencing the joy and challenges of parenthood, or grappling with shifts in identity, these changes can profoundly impact our emotional and mental well-being. Often, the full gravity…


Finding the Right Therapist for Your Anxiety, Life Transition, or Divorce in Chicago

Finding a therapist in Chicago can be tough, but finding the right therapist can be quite daunting. When you’re grappling with life transitions, anxiety, or needing divorce support, finding the right path to well-being can be complex and overwhelming. Choosing to seek therapy is a commendable first step toward enhancing your emotional health. Kudos to…


Tips for Getting Started With CBT Therapy in Chicago

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and effective intervention for addressing a range of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and various mental illnesses. CBT therapy can be a valuable tool for improving your emotional well-being and overall functioning. It focuses on addressing difficulties in the here and now, helping individuals recognize…