Therapy for Adolescents in Chicago
Get your teen the help they need!
Teenagers struggle on a regular basis, often more than people of other age groups. Some adolescents experience difficult feelings, trauma, unhealthy relationships, and negative behaviors that are similar to adults. But others face unique challenges. Questions about their own identities; asking themselves, “Who am I?” are common. For LGBT+ and queer teens this identity exploration is especially pronounced. Adolescent bodies are also maturing rapidly, which can lead to confusing feelings about one’s body shape and function and, sometimes, eating disorders.
The number of teens facing mental health concerns is increasing. 1 in 3 teens report sadness and hopelessness (a 40% increase since 2009) and 1 in 6 teens reported making a suicide plan. Substance abuse, depression, anxiety, risk of violence, and bullying have increased. Therapy for adolescents can help!